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William Holland
Charleston, SC 29414

Tel 610-470-5925
e-mail:  bill@hollandarts.com

Scroll down for FREE supplement to the book: 133 more pictures + 90 Master List additions~~~~ Updated 02 Feb 2025

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Tiffany Desk Sets by William R. Holland
To order your "signed by the author" copy
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280 pages with over 630 color pictures covering all 24 desk set patterns

The MOST COMPLETE Tiffany Master List of over 1900 items made by Tiffany Studios

The ONLY Tiffany Master List of over 200 items made by Tiffany Furnaces

FREE online: 131 More pictures, 90 additional Master List entries along with updates & corrections

Non-pictured items are identified and listed by desk set pattern and Tiffany item number

Large format: 9 x 12" hardbound book on heavy paper

Rarity guide for all known desk set pieces in all 24 patterns

Information on patina, types of glass used, signatures, early
knockoffs and examples from competing companies

Free online additions and corrections
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Additions and Corrections
This will be an ongoing project and follows the chapter format of the book.



Cigar cutter, no number, 4 x 1". Rarity 7
tiffany inkwell
Large inkwell with nib compartments, #1072 (same size and number as the regular large inkwell). Rarity 6+

Pen, The design looks almost like the Chinese pen's with many abstract curvy lines. You can isolate the Libra scale near the nib. No other Zodiac elements are included in the design due to lack of space. Lengths vary, averaging about 7".

Pine Needle & Grapevine
tiffany hand mirror
Grapevine hand mirror, #902, 11x5", all metal handle with filigree pattern, metal filigree over leather/felt/suede, beveled mirror. Rarity 7+

Grapevine Extra Large Box,  16x10x5". Rarity 7+

Grapevine Writing Set [Portable Desk], #829, with inkwell, glass-covered stamp compartments and nib tray, hinged blotter pad with storage compartment and integral pen tray below it, 8 1/2x11 1/2". Rarity 7+

PNDBaroClockLGbest.JPG (625288 bytes)baroclockdisassembled.jpg (42011 bytes)
Pine Needle Clock and Barometer, no number, and back view showing the unit disassembled, number unknown, 10 x 3 1/2 x 6". Rarity 7+

PND9.5BlEndsLG.jpg (66135 bytes)
Pine Needle blotter ends, miniature, no number, 9 1/2" long. Unknown item in this small size until recently. Rarity 7

PNDchamoispenwipeVariant.jpg (70923 bytes)
Pine Needle pen wipe with chamois petals. this variant has a pierced and stitched design. #983, 5 x 1".

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Pine Needle powder jar, #839, 4 1/2 x 3 1/2"

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Pine Needle leaded-panel shade, filigree and bent glass, dome 12" diameter

Pine Needle photograph frame, no number, 24 1/2 x 12 1/2". Rarity 6

Pine Needle photograph frame, no number, 25 x 14 1/2". Rarity 6

tiffany studios grapevine rack
Grapevine 2-cavity paper rack (beaded), same size as the standard non-beaded rack, no number (possibly a special order with the beads). Rarity 7

Grapevine medium carriage clock, flat on top, 3 1/2 x 2 3/4 x 6 1/4". Rarity 5

GVDblcornersvariantLG.jpg (85798 bytes)
Grapevine blotter corners, set of 4, no number, 8 1/2 x 5 3/4 x 5 3/4". Early variant of Figure 3-29 on page 90

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Pinecone desk lamp base, #445, 16" tall with Grapevine leaded-panel shade, #1405, 10" diameter

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Grapevine heat cap, no number, 3 1/2". Rarity 6

GVGkey.JPG (22345 bytes)
Grapevine key for jewel or cigar box. no number, 1". Rarity 4

grapevine tiffany pen
Grapevine pen close-up

tiffany pine needle heat cap 3"
Pine Needle heat cap, no number, 3 1/2". Rarity 6

GVD portable desk518 A
Grapevine portable (secretary) desk with attached inkwell, matchbox holder, candle stand, seal rest and pen rack. The seal shown here is #993 with glass in the knob. The seal for the set is smaller, all metal and has no number. This pen is in the pine needle pattern.


Abalone letter rack. #1156, 6x2x4 1/2"

Abalone single playing card case, #1168, 2 3/4 x 1 x 4

Abalone stamp box variant with no plain areas on the lid (probably early), no number, 4 x 2 x 1". Rarity 6

Abalone spindle, #1161, 4 x 4 x 8"

Abalone clock, #1143, 4 x 4 x 2 1/2"

aba match
Abalone match safe, #1146, 2 1/2 x 1 3/4 x 1"

ABAthermometer113.jpg (142126 bytes)
Abalone thermometer, #1167, 8 1/2 x 4". thermometer tubes vary as does the metal of the backing plate.

ABAlargeset.jpg (168272 bytes)
Abalone assembled desk set.
Photo courtesy Sotheby's

ABApen.jpg (46664 bytes)
Abalone pen, unmarked. All pens are #1010, 7". Rarity 6

ABAutilboxwithinsert1212.JPG (40980 bytes)ABAutilboxwithinsert1212a.JPG (32052 bytes)
Abalone utility box, same as figure 5-16 but with a 'fitted and finished on all sides' insert for stamps. Rarity 7

ABA2largestframes.jpg (183527 bytes)
Abalone photograph frames, (left) no number, 9 x 13 3/4", (right) #1147
The FIVE known Abalone Photograph frames:
#1145 is 6 x 8 1/2" with a rectangular opening
#1147 is 11 1/4 x 14" with a rectangular opening
#1171 is 7 x 10 1/2" with an oval opening
#1179 is 7 x 9" with a rectangular opening
No number is 9 x 13 3/4" with a rectangular opening
ABApenrack1155.jpg (94389 bytes)
Pen rack, #1155, 5 1/2 x 4"

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Abalone photograph frame, #1171, 7 1/4 x 10"

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ABAsmallwell1212.JPG (38126 bytes)
Abalone inkwells, (left), large, #1157, 4 x 4 x 4 1/4", (right) small, #1148, 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 x 2 1/2" Rarity 4. Both take the small, clear inkwell insert

Calendar Frame & Letter Rack Combo, no number, 6.75x3x5.5". This is pictured in the book, figure 5-18. This is a better picture of this rare piece

venetian match safe tiffany
Venetian match safe, #1856, 2 1/2 x 1 3/4 x 1"

Venetian letter opener, #1685. (The picture in Venetian chapter of my book is mistakenly of a Ninth Century letter opener)

VENETIAN unknown pad Tiffany
Venetian early note pad, no number, wooden base, 4 1/4 x 8 1/4". An early Tiffany catalog describes the #1691 "Memoranda Pad" as available "plain" or "dated". The dated pads were made to accommodated a taller, thinner calendar insert rather than a standard size blank paper pad. Rarity 6

Venetian spindle, #1687, 3 1/2 x 8"
Venetian flat calendar, #1858, 4 1/2 x 3 1/2 x 1 1/4". Rarity 3

American Indian
AmIn2109double.jpg (169920 bytes)
American Indian double pen holder, #2109, holds two Waterman or Parker black Bakelite pens, 6x4 1/4"
Oddly, none of the Tiffany single or double pen holders were made to accommodate the Tiffany [model #1010] metal pens.

AMINDclipblk.jpg (31844 bytes)
American Indian paper clip, #1190, 4 x 3"

AMINDletterrackblk.jpg (33834 bytes)
American Indian letter rack, #1193, 6 1/2 x 2 x 4 1/2"

american indian tiffany magnifier
American Indian reading glass, #1195, 8 1/2 x 3 1/2"

chinese tiffany scissors
Scissors, #1031. Similar to #1032, pictured in the book as Zodiac or Graduate pattern. Both numbers generically labeled in other literature as just scissors. Found recently in a period photo with Chinese desk pieces.
CHINESE paper clip variants TIFFANY
Chinese paper clips. The base was modified at some point, probably as a cost saving measure.
tiffany chinese utility box
Chinese utility box, #2102, 5 1/4 x 3 1/4 x 1 3/4"

642chineselamp.jpg (95518 bytes)
Chinese desk/piano lamp, #642, 9 x 4 x 9". Rarity 4
Chinese pen wipe TIFFANY
Chinese pen wipe, #1772, 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 x 2". Rarity 6. #1772 is identified as a small inkwell in the book's list of pieces. (See next listing).
chinese experimental inkwell
Chinese experimental or special order inkwell, #1772 (duplicates Chinese pen wipe number), 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 x 2 1/4", Rarity 7.


Gradsetinblue.jpg (34011 bytes)
Graduate note pad, #1808, pen tray, #1798 and pen wipe, #1794. The inkwell with pen rest, rocker blotter and blotter corners are in the Miniature pattern. Both sets were sold with and without 'pink for girls, blue for boys' colored highlights and color variations. Note the size differences and the diamond vs. circle designs.

Graduate paper clip tiffany
Graduate paperclip, smaller size, 2 1/2 x 2 1/2"

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Graduate desk/piano lamp, #413, 9 1/2  x 5 x 7 1/2"

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Modeled calendar frame, #1118, 6 x 5 1/4"

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Modeled pen, unmarked, but all pens are #1010, 7"

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Modeled clock, #1121, 5 x 2 1/2 x 6"

Modeled set with 19" blotter ends, #1110; inkwell, #1112; pen tray, #1113; rare cigar box, #1114; rocker blotter, #115; letter opener, #1117; paper clip, #1119; notepad holder, #1120; match holder and ashtray, #1122; pen wipe, #1123; bookends, #1126; stamp box, #1130; and the pen, #1010

Louis XVI
Louis XVI inkwell 1727 tiffany
Inkwell, #1727, 4 1/4 x 3 1/2 x 1 3/4". Rarity 3

Ninth Century
Ninth Century thermometer, #1635, 8x3 1/2" Rarity 5
9th century match and ashtray
Ninth Century match holder & ashtray, no sequential number, 5 x 5 x 5 1/2". Rarity 7

Ninth Century adjustable bookrack, no number, 14 x 6 x 5 1/2". Extends to 22 1/2". Rarity 7

Ninth Century playing card case for a single deck of cards, #1636, 4x4x1". Rarity 5
9th century tiffany desk set
A collector's fine and almost complete set of Ninth Century pieces, including the adjustable book rack, partially shown on the left.


Nautical double pen stand, #2112, holds two Waterman or Parker black Bakelite pens, The black pen recepticals may have been replaced in this picture. 7 x 5"
Oddly, none of the Tiffany single or double pen holders were made to accommodate the Tiffany [model #1010] metal pens.

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Nautical pen, with prominent seahorse, #1010, 7"

Art Deco (Tiffany Furnaces numbering on these).
artdeco367.jpg (111604 bytes)
Art Deco match holder and ashtray, #367, 5 x 5 x 4"

Tiffany Studiod Art Deco Lamp Base
Art Deco lamp base for 7 or 8" shade, #369

heraldic ashtray
Heraldic ashtray, #2065

tiffany heraldic desk set
Heraldic partial set in green. The paper clip and bookends are not often seen.


SPANmemocal.jpg (78722 bytes)
Spanish daily memorandum calendar, #2002

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Spanish reading glass, #1898, 8 1/2 x 4"

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Spanish bookends, #2007, 5 1/2 x 5 3/4". Rarity 5

spanishset.jpg (147705 bytes)

A nice set of mostly Spanish desk pieces, including the lamp. Note that some have black or red highlights in the recessed areas. The double pen stand is missing the Bakelite pen holders. The cigarette box, #1818 on left, is a stand alone piece not matching any pattern. The bookends are in the Venetian pattern.

Spanish ashtray 2016
Spanish match holder and ashtray combo (variant), #2016, 5 1/2 x 4 1/2". Rarity 3

spanish pen holder tiffany studios
Spanish pen stand, single, #2115A,  4 1/4 x 3 x 1 1/4". With original Parker or Waterman pen
BYZthermometer.jpg (45337 bytes)BYZthermometerback.jpg (111522 bytes)
Byzantine thermometer, #1015, 7 3/4 x 2 1/2". This one is inexplicably marked #5736. Rarity 7

Double X (Tiffany Furnaces numbering on these)
doublexcompote.jpg (55365 bytes)
Double X footed compote, #519, 8 x 2 3/4".

XX7pieceset.jpg (36689 bytes)
Double X seven piece set: Pen tray, #380, rocker blotter #381, calendar frame (vertical format variant) #387, 4 x 5 1/2", letter opener, #382, 6", paper rack, #386,  round box or inkwell (possibly #326), cigarette box, #130, 6 1/4 x 4 x 2". The paper rack had a divider in plain gold with mottled finish to match the rest of the panels. Many appear with no divider for some reason.

383dblX16.5blends.jpg (68341 bytes)
Double X blotter ends, #383, 16 1/2"

Double X rocker
Double X rocker blotter, #381, 4 1/4 x 2 1/2 x 1 1/2" (Courtesy of Robert Miller)

Double X Tiffany cigarette box
Double X cigarette box, #130, 6 1/4 x 4 x 2". The red coloration is less common. (Courtesy of Robert Miller)

Double X Tiffany pen tray
Double X pen tray, #380, 7 3/4 x 3 1/4 (Courtesy of Robert Miller)

Double X Tiffany inkwell
Double X inkwell, #385, 3 1/4 x 3 1/4 x 2 1/4". (Courtesy of Robert Miller)

Etched Crosier

Etched Crosier paper rack, #1878, 9 1/2 x 5 1/2 x 2 1/2"

Royal Copper

royalcopper2cavrack.jpg (165902 bytes)
Royal Copper paper rack, #1769, 10 x 5 3/4 x 2 1/2"

Gradsetinblue.jpg (34011 bytes)
Miniature inkwell with pen rest, #1601, rocker blotter, #1602 and blotter corners, #1600. Note pad, pen tray and pen wipe are in the Graduate pattern
tiffany studios miniature blotter corners
Miniature blotter corners in two colors, #1600

tiffany studios miniature seal
Miniature monogram seal, #1604, 1/2 x 1/2 x 2 3/4"

MINIstampbox.JPG (52852 bytes)
Miniature stamp box with no color highlights, #1605, 2 1/2 x 2 x 1 1/4'' 

Pond Lily
pond lily letter opener Tiffany

Pond Lily letter opener, #2084, 10". Rarity 7. (Revised from 6).

Miscellaneous Designs and Variants
Tiffany studios ashtray 1863
Ashtray, #1663, 6x4 1/2"

Reticulated Inkwell with camas flower design, #848, 7 x 4". Rarity 5

Inkwell, with primitive Tree of Life design, no number, 7 x 3 3/4". Rarity 5

Bell, the only bell Tiffany offered, #1061, 2x2 3/4". Rarity 6.

Tiffany Furnaces note pad with Egyptian motif, #601, 4 x 5". Rarity 5

Inkwell, round with crinkle lid, 4 1/4 x 2 3/4". Rarity 6

lizardpaperweight.jpg (44754 bytes)
Paperweight, Lizard, #1106, 5" long. Rarity 7
The Lizard. The rarest of the animal paperweights. Not pictured in any reference book. Listed only in the original Tiffany 1906 catalog/price list, my desk set book and in Duncan's book.

1865 bookends.jpg (84106 bytes)
Bookends, similar to Graduate pattern but with rose window embellishments, #1864, 5 x 6". Rarity 5

tiffanypencilholderD49.6in.jpg (61561 bytes)
Pencil holder, no number, 6". Rarity 5

201110.25x12.37frame.jpg (55381 bytes)

Photograph frames, (left) #2011, 10 1/4 x 12 3/8". Rarity 4, (right) #1084, 9 x 11". Rarity 4

centaurwellFR.jpg (62511 bytes)
Inkwell, Centaur, no number. 4 1/4 x 3 x 3". Rarity 5

tiffanyfurnacesnoteholder.jpg (121338 bytes)
Bridge pad holder, Egyptian design, #608, 3 x 7 3/4". Rarity 6

tripleturtlebackinkwell.jpg (308698 bytes)
Inkwell, triple, #1071, revolving base. 4 1/4 x 6 1/4". Rarity 6

Inkwell, Pagoda (two variants), #2055, unusual-these have removable rather than hinged lids, 10 1/2 x 10 1/2 x 4". Rarity 6

1817cigarbox475x36x175.jpg (99016 bytes)
Cigarette box, #1817, 4 3/4 x 3 5/8 x 1 3/4". Rarity 4. Some of these later pieces came without added enameling or polychrome highlights.
tiffany box 1818
Cigarette box, #1818, 5 x 3 3/4 x 1 3/4". Rarity 4. Comes also with added enamel or polychrome highlights. 
Tiffany studios cigarette box
Jewel box, #1102, Rarity 3. With velvet liners.

Tiffany Furnaces Clock, #650A, 10 1/2 x 5 1/2 x 10". Rarity 6

122scarabboxFurnaces.jpg (157229 bytes)
Tiffany Furnaces Cigarette box, #122, plain sides, jeweled scarabs on top corners, squared feet, 5 1/2 x 3 x 1 1/4". Rarity 5

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Tiffany Furnaces tray or charger, #304, 12" diameter. Rarity 3

furnacestray433.jpg (65764 bytes)
Tiffany Furnaces tray, #433, plain center, enamel inserts in ornate pierced border, 8". Rarity 4

Tiffany Furnaces bookends, #609, stylized tree of life pattern, enamel highlights, 5 3/4 x 3 3/4". Rarity 4

tiffany ashtray 322

Match holder, nest of 3 ashtrays with larger base as the holder. Match stand with enamel design. The book appendix lists 6 ashtrays. Three are seen here. I have not seen a set with 6. Rarity 3

Tiffany & Co. and Other Makers

Riviere Studios mucilage pot
tiffany & co blotter
Tiffany & Co rocker blotter, #22075-Z

Zentrum Studios Grape Arbor frame (2008-?) with Zentrum style filigree and beading. The construction is similar but not the same as Tiffany's Grapevine pattern. The frame is prominently marked with a soldered tag on the easel back. The two above photos are courtesy of Zentrum Studios.


Patina and other Metal Finishes
Exceptional all original patina which was protected for many years with layers of gold and silver paint, now professionally removed.

Very desirable brown/green/red patina on the bottom of an early unlisted inkwell.

statbronzepatina.jpg (22237 bytes)
Acid-etched statuary bronze patina, shown on the back of a Zodiac paper clip.


Types of Glass Used in Pine Needle, Grapevine and Other Etched Metal & Glass Pieces
orangeframeback.JPG (138634 bytes)
Tiffany picture frame, #947, showing mottled dichroic Tiffany glass.

GVGdichroicframe.jpg (169864 bytes)GVGdichroicframeunlit.jpg (216670 bytes)
Tiffany picture frame (rounded corner variant) #946, with mottled dichroic Tiffany glass, backlit (L), unlit (R) and the back of the frame, below.

GVGdichroicback.jpg (160124 bytes)
One fancy style of easel used on Tiffany frames. Note the difference from the Zentrum Studios modern knock-off pictured earlier, most notable at the solder joint at the top.


Identifying Marks
tiffanyfurnacessig.jpg (18317 bytes)furnacessignaturelinear.jpg (83505 bytes)
Impressed markings common to many Tiffany Furnaces pieces.

ADDITIONS to text, picture captions and lists:
Page 18:     #414 Piano lamp, Zodiac, 11 x 4 x 9 3/4" Rarity 2
Page 18:     #1010  Pen, Zodiac, 6-7" Rarity 3
Page 18:     #1665, Alcohol burner, Zodiac, Rarity 6-7
Page 20:     Figure 1-4, #880 Alcohol burner, Zodiac, should read #1665
Page 28:     Figure 1-26, #1032 scissors also identified as Chinese pattern
Page 47:     #877 Clock, small carriage, flat on top, Grapevine or Pine Needle, 3 1/2 x 2 3/4 x 5" Rarity 3
Page 47:     #878 Clock, medium carriage, flat on top, Grapevine or Pine Needle, 4 x 3 x 7 1/4" Rarity 3
Page 47:     #1010  Pen, Pine Needle, 6-7" Rarity 2

Page 47:     No number, Blotter ends, Pine Needle, miniature, 9 1/2" Rarity 7
Page 47:     Photograph frame, Pine Needle, no number, 24 1/2 x 12 1/2" Rarity 5

Page 79:     #877 Clock, small carriage, flat on top, Grapevine or Pine Needle, 3 1/2 x 2 3/4 x 5 1/4" Rarity 3
Page 79:     #878 Clock, medium carriage, flat on top, Grapevine or Pine Needle, 4 x 3 x 7 1/4" Rarity 3
Page 80:     #1010  Pen, Grapevine, 6-7" Rarity 2

Page 99      Figure 3-52 Grapevine paper rack, probably a unique variant, is numbered 1007
107:    #1010  Pen, Abalone, 6-7" Rarity 4

Page 107:    #2107  Pen stand, double, Abalone, 7 1/2 x 4 1/4" Rarity 4
Page 107:    #2107A  Pen stand, single, Abalone, 4 1/2 x 3 1/2" Rarity 4
Page 107:    No number, Photograph frame, Abalone, 13 3/4 x 9", rectangular 5 x 8 1/2" opening Rarity 2
Page 115:    #1010  Pen, Venetian, 6-7" Rarity 4

Page 115:    #1858 Calendar, flat, Venetian, 4 1/2 x 3 1/2 x 1 1/4" (Not a clock)
Page 11
5:    No number, Cribbage score pad, Venetian, 3 1/2 x 7" Rarity 4

Page 126:    #1010  Pen, American Indian, 6-7" Rarity 3
Page 132:    #642 Piano lamp, Chinese, 9 x 4 x 9" Rarity 2
Page 132:    #1010  Pen, Chinese, 6-7" Rarity 3
Page 132:    #1772 Pen wipe, Chinese, 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 x 2 1/2".  (Not a small inkwell)
Page 132:    #1031, #1032, Scissors, pictured as Zodiac or Graduate. Chinese pattern in 1 period photo
Page 13
9:    #1010  Pen, Graduate, 6-7" Rarity 3

Page 139, 145:   #1031, #1032, Scissors, pictured as Zodiac or Graduate. Chinese pattern in 1 period photo
Page 14
7:    #1010  Pen, Adam, 6-7" Rarity 3

Page 147:    #1787  Match & ashtray combo, Adam, 4 1/2 x 5 1/2" Rarity 3
Page 153:    #1010  Pen, Bookmark, 6-7" Rarity 3

Page 172:    #1010  Pen, Louis XVI, 6-7" Rarity 3
Page 175;    No number, Adjustable bookrack, Ninth Century,14 x 6 x 5 1/2". Extends to 22 1/2" Rarity 7
Page 175:    #1010  Pen, Ninth Century, 6-7" Rarity 3
Page 182:    #1010  Pen, Nautical, 6-7" Rarity 4
Page 204:    #2007  Bookends, Spanish, 5 1/2 x 5 3/4" Rarity 3
Page 218:    #1876 Pen Tray, Etched Crosier, 8 1/2 x 2 1/4" Rarity 4
Page 2
23:    Photograph frame, #915, 6 1/4 x 7 3/4" Rarity 2
Page 223:    #1603 Pen wipe, Miniature, Rarity 6
Page 223:    #1604 Seal, Miniature, Rarity 7

CORRECTIONS to text, picture captions and lists:
Page 18:      #921 Photograph frame, correct size is 9x10 7/8"
Page 18:     
Scissors. Correct number from 103_ to 1032. They also pair with the Chinese pattern

Page 19, 28, 39, back cover: The pen is Grapevine pattern, not Zodiac. A Zodiac pen is pictured on Page 9
Page 43:      Figure 1-63. Lamp is #414. Change size to 11 x 4 1/4 x 9 3/4"
Page 46:      #877 should read: Clock, small carriage, flat on top, Pine Needle, 3 1/2 x 2 3/4 x 5 1/4" Rarity 3
Page 46:      #878 should read: Clock, medium carriage, flat on top, Pine Needle, 4 x 3 x 7 1/4" Rarity 3
Page 71:      Figure 2-66, change #878 to #877
Page 79:      #877 should read: Clock, small carriage, flat on top, Grapevine, 3 1/2 x 2 3/4 x 5 1/4" Rarity 3
Page 79:      #878 should read: Clock, medium carriage, flat on top, Grapevine, 4 x 3 x 7 1/4". Rarity 3
Page 79:      #916. Change size to 12x14"
Page 103:    Desk tray should be in the Grapevine chapter, as identified by the design on the handles

Page 117:    Figure #1-10 pictures a Ninth Century letter opener, not a Venetian opener
Page 139, 140: The Graduate paperclip came in two sizes. The second is 2 1/2 x 2 1/2"
Page 268:    1537 Leaded shade, Laburnum, 27". Change to 24"
125:    Figure 6-21. Change number to Figure 6-28.

ADDITIONS and CORRECTIONS to Tiffany Studios Numerical Appendix:
  195     Table lamp base, has 4 legs, not 3
  331     Leaded hanger, Wild Rose, 20". May have been a number used for 20" inverted hangers. Others are known.
414     Desk/piano lamp, Zodiac, 11 x 4 1/4 x 9 3/4"
  459     Table lamp base, has 5 legs, not 3
  544     Table lamp base, same as #360 sans stem decoration
  545     Table lamp base, same as #362 sans stem decoration
  546     Table lamp base, same as #362 sans stem decoration
  564     Table lamp base, same as #190 but with 4 legs
637     Lamp base, round dished platform topped with acanthus leaf and "C" arm, 12"
42     Desk/Piano lamp, Chinese, 9 x 4 x 9" Rarity 3
  672     Floor base with marble platform
  694     Desk/Piano lamp, elongated octagonal base, bent arm, swivel shade, 11 x 9 1/2 x 10 1/2"

  698     Lamp base, swirl bottom, twisted stem
713     Flower vase mount, 4 out-swept legs with acanthus leaves, for Favrile insert, 20"
4     Flower vase mount, wire decoration, round base, for Favrile insert, 16"
  837     Powder box, Milkweed design
  877     Clock, small carriage, flat on top, Grapevine or Pine Needle, 3 1/2 x 2 3/4 x 6 1/4"

  878     Clock, medium carriage, flat on top, Grapevine or Pine Needle, 4 x 3 x 7 1/4"
910     Tea screen, 3-panels, plain glass, 12 x 7 1/4
5     Photograph frame, 6 1/4 x 7 3/4" 
  960     Spindle, square base with glass inlay
1010     Pen, lengths vary from 6 - 7 1/2" including the nib
1078     Photograph frame, busy floral/deco border, multi-layered spoke-wheel feet, 9 1/2 x 12 1/2"
1084     Photograph frame, thin Greek key variant border,  9x11"
1401     Leaded shade, Geometric, dome, 10"
1441     Leaded shade, Bird, dome, 16"
1453     Leaded shade, Azalea, cone, 16"
1489     Leaded shade, Filigree over paneled glass with ball fringe border, cone, 19"
1529     Leaded shade, Black-eyed Susan, dome, 20"
1534     Leaded shade, Nightshade, dome, 18"
1537     Leaded shade, Laburnum, should read 24"
1575     Leaded shade, Byzantine, dome, 26"
1603     Pen wipe, Miniature
1604     Seal, Miniature, 1/2 x 1/2 x 3 3/4"
1708     Humidor atop ashtray, plain urn w/lid on plain tray with match and cigarette holders, 8 3/4 x 7 1/2"
1772     Pen wipe, Chinese, 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 x 2 1/2" (Not a small inkwell)
1787     Match & ashtray combo, Adam, 4 1/2 x 5 1/2"
1858     Calendar, flat, Venetian (Not clock)
1990     Leaded shade, Trumpet Creeper, dome, 22"
2007     Bookends, Spanish, 5 1/2 x 5 3/4"
2011     Photograph frame, geometric border, 10 1/4 x 12 3/8"
2101     Match & ashtray combo, oblong tray, flaming torch design on match holder, 5 1/4 x 4 1/2 x 3 1/2"
07     Pen stand, double, Abalone, 7 1/2 x 4 1/4"
2107A  Pen stand, single, Abalone, 4 1/2 x 3 1/2"
No #     Blotter ends, Pine Needle, miniature, no number, 9 1/2"
No #     Cribbage score pad, Venetian, 3 1/2 x 7"

No #     Book rack, Ninth Century, adjustable, 14 x 6 x 5 1/2"
No #     Photograph frame, Abalone, 13 3/4 x 9", rectangular 5 x 8 1/2" opening
No #     Ninth Century adjustable book rack, 14 x 6 x 5 1/2"
No #     Ninth Century match holder & ashtray combination, no number, 5 x5 x 5 1/2"

ADDITIONS to Tiffany Furnaces Numerical Appendix:
  18      Lamp base, band of square enamel on round foot, plain shaft, 1 socket, 16 1/4"
  42     Candlestick, enameled round foor & shaft, as lamp base #22, spun urn holders, 10 1/2"
62      Photograph frame, smooth and acid-etched gold finish, oval 3x4" opening, 5x6"
  66      Photograph frame, thin sqiggly-line embossed border, 8x10"
84      Candlelamp, double, oval base w/enamel flower edge, paw feet, 2 arms,wire mesh shades, 10x 17"

  91      Lamp base, flower petal foot, bulbous Favrile vase, 2 sockets, adjustable, for wire mesh shade, 18"H
  92      Lamp base, enamel flowers on foot, graduated ball shaft, 3 sockets, adjustable, for wire mesh shade, 16"H
  94      Lamp base, flower petal foot, bulbous Favrile vase, 2 sockets, adjustable, for wire mesh shade, 26"H
106      Box, Favrile glass, rectangular, textured glass in 4 sides, top and bottom, 6x4x2" 

122      Cigarette box, plain sides, jeweled scarabs on top corners, squared ball feet, 5 1/2 x 3 x 1 1/4"
126      Covered urn, bulbous bottom with cylindrical neck, rope decoration with conical lid, 17 1/4"
135      Cigarette box, Sailing Ship medallion, as #406, dore''' background, removable lid, 3 1/4 x 3 1/2"
136      Cigarette holder, Sailing Ship medallion in center of round lid, Favrile glass jar, 3 1/2 x 3 1/4"
137      Cigarette jar, glass with dore lid & twisted rope/enamel knob, 3 1/2 x 3"
174      Vase, trumpet shaped with decorative enamel foot, 10" tall
301      Tray, Favrile glass center and decorated glass border, 8"
302      Match & ashtray combo, sailing ship & cigarette holders in center, decorative border, 6 1/4" x 5"
313      Tray, plain center, delicate enamel border, 4 3/4 x 3 1/2"
318      Dish/ashtray, possibly holds Favrile insert, 3 1/2"
319      Dish/ashtray, possibly holds Favrile insert, 4"
327      Dish/ashtray, dogwood enamel & rough finished border, possibly holds Favrile insert. 4 1/2"
329      Double X border, footed tray, plain center, 9 3/4"
381      Rocker blotter, Double X pattern
23      Coaster set, 3 plain gold coasters with enamel decorated handled holder
427      Bowl, shallow, plain, 2 1/2 x 9 1/2"
428      Bowl, shallow, ornate allover decoration, 2 1/2 x 9 1/2"
33      Tray, plain center, enamel inserts in ornate pierced border, 8"

443      Plate, ornate allover decoration, 9 3/4"
450      Candelabra, two arms, oval glass insets on round base, diamond-shaped starburst finial, 15 3/4"
512      Tray, plain center, attached handles, enamel inserts with floral design, 9 3/4"
513      Tazza, oval floral enamel adornments on front and back, 8 3/4"

520      Footed compote, plain gold with ornate enameled border, 6x3"
1      Footed compote, plain gold with ornate border, 6 x 3"

525      Footed cigarette dish, Favrile bent glass insert, round foot, intricate design tall handle, 4 x 5 1/2"
526      Footed compote, plain gold with ornate border, 8 1/2 x 2 1/2"
609      Bookends, stylized tree of life pattern, enamel highlights, 5 3/4 x 3 3/4"
657      Clock, top-elongated petagon shape, ornate embossing with enamel circles & triangles, 7 1/2x5 3/4 x 2 3/4"
703      Cigarette box, cylindrical, plain side with turtleback tile lid, 3 3/4"
721      Tray, plain, deep dished, 12"
815      Ashtray, with Favrile glass insert, 5" diameter
896      Lamp shade, Wire Mesh, conical with daisies, 7 1/4 x 12 1/2"
If a letter appears after the number on a Furnaces piece it usually indicates the same item with a variation in design, finish or coloration


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